Pastors Jackson and Lucy J. Sephir are the lead pastors of Salem Community Church. They were entrusted with Salem Community Church by founding Pastors, Dr, Bishop Serge and Norma Jerome, after 26 years of operation. Salem Church is a multi cultural, multi generational church, where people can freely experience the presence of God. Our mission is to equip God’s people with the mind of Christ so each one can reach one.
Our ministry is driven by the desire to help people experience the fullness of life that comes from being transformed by Jesus Christ.
Family and Relationships | Pastor Henry Prudent | DF| Day 7 |Salem Community Church
Famille et relations | Pasteur Regis Dantes | JD | Jour 7 | Salem Community Church
Dieu n'a pas oublié Moise dans le desert | Bishop Serge Jerome | Salem Community Church
A matter of the heart | Pastor Henry Prudent | Salem Community Church
Percée financière et provision | Pasteur Regis Dantes | JD | Jour 6 | Salem Community Church
Financial Breakthrough and Provision | Pastor Henry Prudent | DF| Day 6 |Salem Community Church
Healing & Deliverance | Pastor Henry Prudent| Daniel Fast | Day 5 | Salem Community Church
Guérison et délivrance | Pasteur Regis Dantes | Jeûne de Daniel | Jour 5 | Salem Community Church